Day one.
Saying good by to BlackJack Cove Marina and to many friends we made while docked here.

Old Hickory Lock, the first of 15.
Our first night. We made Nashville and experienced the Nashville tourist spots, had dinner, watched the sunset and went to bed.
Cona masters the helm.
We stopped in Clarksville the second night. Docked at the city dock, and rocked all night due to the barge traffic.
Third night was at Greenturtle Bay and had the two inch pork chops at Pattie's.
First tour stop to visit Nathan Bedford Forrest historic site. Interesting perspective seeing how the battle may have looked from the water.
This picture doesn't show the real condition of the dock or the marina. The docks were in bad shape, they ran my water through 150 feet of garden hose because the dock water was not hooked up.
Once on the Tennessee River the marinas and restaurants were not much to speak off.
We are now in Demopolis, at the Demopolis Yacht Basin. Kevin, Vicki, Pace and Finn came from Clinton, Ms to spend the weekend with us. We had several very southern meals at local restaurants, and a great visit with them.
Another day in Demplolis due to weather. We will be anchoring out for two nights when ever we get under way.
Wow you are making great time! Hope the weather is getting better.