These pictures are out of sequence but I can't figure out how to move them, so be it.
Leaving the boat in Charleston we went to Myrtle Beach with our children and grandchildren.
Picture of the Beach from our condo.
Cona, Vicki (daughter in law) and some old man, sunning by the pool.
Cona and Jackson playing at the arcade.
Cona and Grandson Finn.
Cona and Pace playing in the surf.
This is the dock in St. Augustine. Was off the beaten path but we were there to visit Cona's brother and sister-in-law Martha. They were kind enough to lend us their car to run some errands and reprovision. As always a great visit.
We had Cona's cousin and his wife, Bobby and Patsy, Steve and Matha and friends Bob and Ann over for drinks and to see Miss Ellen. Not wanting to drive anywhere (not that it would have been far in St. Augustine) we decided to eat at the restaurant at the dock. Turned out to have been a great choice, good food and a fun place.
Sun set in St. Augustine.
The light house from the ICW, entering St. Augustine.
After four days in St. Augustine we departed for Fernandina. Bobby and Patsy joined us for the trip to Fernandina. This is the picture of the bridge of Lions.
Passing the Fort.
Picture along the way of the banks of the ICW
Arriving in Fernandina. Picture of Bobby, Patsy, Cona and Rudy on the City docks. This was right in the down town area and a close walk to everything.
Picture of the shark Cona and Patsy brought in while on the ICW.
On the dock with one of the many decorated shrimp.
We found a great little restaurant for breakfast. Just off the main street and we wouldn't have found it if we had not ask a local for a recommendation. Not much to look at from outside or inside, but good food and service.
On our way to Beaufort SC. On the other side is the Fernandina beach.
Arrival in Beaufort.
Downtown Beaufort
When we arrived in Beaufort they were having their Gullah festival.

We stayed one night in Beaufort and left the next morning for Charleston. Can't find the pictures of this leg of the trip. For those interested we found a lot of skinny water. At a couple of spots I had 2 feet under my keel. Not very comforting. Didn't run aground, but made me aware I better check the tide charts from now on. We left at a lowering tide but really had no choice as there were no marinas between Beaufort and Charleston. Not even any good anchorages. Being Memorial Weekend when we arrived in Charleston harbor there were thousands of boaters, and most were either drunk or didn't care about the rules of the water ways.
We dock at the Charleston Marina and Resort. A great place to leave the boat for the month we will be away visiting our family.
Eric, our youngest picked us up and took us with them to Myrtle Beach where we stayed in a condo for a week.
Leaving Myrtle Beach, we rode with Kevin, Our oldest, to Clinton Mississippi. We are here for two weeks in order to be able to attend our grandson's Christening.
This should have been close to the top, but its Eric, Jackson and Rudy at the Ferris wheel.